HP (Hewlett-Packard) - 8593A

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Installation Verification 5 V and Operation Manual HP 8591A 8593A Spectrum Analyzer SERIAL NUMBERS This manual applies directly to the following instruments HP 8591A Spectrum Analyzers with serial numbers prefixed 3003A and below and IIP 8593A Spectrum Analyzers with serial numbers prefixed 3009A and below This manual also applies directly to HP 8591A 8593A Spectrum Analyzers with firmware version 03 01 90 or later If your analyzer has an earlier firmware version see page vii Analyzers with Earlier Firmware Revisions HEWLETT PACKARD HP Part No 5958 7092 Microfiche Part No 5958 7093 Printed in USA February 1990 Certification Hewlett Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shi ...